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Amazonian Cubensis is one famous and most potent super strain found in the Amazon jungle more than 40 years ago. This beautiful strain is high yielding, colonizes really fast, and is wild and strong.


The mushrooms of this cubensis strain have a sleek, yet thick stem. and its caps range in colors from golden, orange and brown.

In addition, The caps of these mushrooms when opened break the veil halfway up the stem. Unlike many other cousins, the stem of this strain grows double from the point where the veil breaks before the mushrooms begin to drop the spores. This causes the Amazonian Cubensis Mushrooms to grow enormously!

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Microdosing (0.1G-0.7G):

A microdose is a safe dose, the dose that delivers the expected beneficial effects without leading to any of the more intense experiences. You can enjoy the good effects of magic mushrooms without getting into a mushroom strain bulk, pes amazonian cubensis​ bulk

The Mild Dose (0.8G-1.5G):

More so, This dose is slightly higher than the microdose and offers mild effects as well. It enhances countenance, boosts concentration without inducing intense hallucination.

Moderate Dosage (1.6G-2.5G):

Further more, This forms a good amount for beginners who are just trying the substance for its trip effects. The dose is much stronger and it induces the onset of hallucinatory effects and other intense effects.

Also, Depending on the tolerance level of the user, the dosage effects may not be extreme.

The Psychedelic Dose (2.6G-3.5G):

More over, At this dose, you will experience an intense psychedelic trip. The user will experience deep hallucinations and a distorted sense of time and space.

Strong Dose (3.6G-5G):

In addition, This does is not recommended for most users and hence it should be avoided at all costs. It is fit only for those who have become accustomed to psychedelic trips. so,  The user will experience extremely powerful hallucinatory effects and lose a touch with reality. Additionally, There is a high chance of having a bad trip from this dosage.

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More so, Amazonian Cubensis is one of the more potent members of the Cubensis family, with a high that can last anywhere between 6-8 hours and varying effects.

Users seek out Amazonian Cubensis for its’ cerebral experience and as a means of mental or spiritual development

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