Amazonian Cubensis

Amazonian Cubensis comes from the psilocybe cubensis family and is one of the more potent family members.
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Amazonian Cubensis | The Magic Shroom | Trusted Psilocybin Products
comes from the psilocybe cubensis family and is one of the more potent family members. This shroom is popular and grown abundantly in the regions of Central and South America but can also be found grown naturally in north america. The effects of Amazonian Cubensis vary in dosage, but users can expect moderate visuals. This strain was used by many ancient indigenous cultures to find enlightenment, which makes this mushroom great for those looking for mental or spiritual growth. The high from this strain can last anywhere between 6-8 hours, depending on dosage. These mushrooms offer a clean, authentic psychedelic experience.
A long-time people’s favourite, Amazonian Cubensis are one of the most widely-available and popular strains out there!
Amazon shrooms, also known as PES Amazonians, are a potent strain of psilocybe cubensis. These grow abundantly in regions of Central and South America, where they are used recreationally as well as ceremoniously. Amazon shrooms are known for their high potency, with higher levels of psilocybin and psilocin than average. A high on Amazonian Cubensis usually lasts between 6-8 hours.
Buy Amazonian Cubensis Online are preferred by indigenous cultures who value them for helping attain spiritual enlightement. People often describe this high as strong, but more cerebral than hallucinogenic. Visual and auditory hallucinations and distortions still occur, but the effects are less pronounced compared to other strains. Amazonian Cubensis are often sought out for the cerebral and spiritual qualities of the high shroom-takers experience.
Effects differ markedly depending on dosage. A microdose, for example, will enhance mood, make you feel more emotionally stable, empathetic and mentally lucid, making meditation easier and boosting productivity. Creative and connected thinking improve, but the mind becomes more clear, present and peaceful.
An epic dose of 5g or more will have powerful effects and can produce strong feelings of euphoria, mystical feelings and wonderment, insights and epiphanies, sensory hallucinations/distortions and a strong body high.