Ecstasy is an extremely popular drug among youth, it is extremely is easy to get, and it is not complicated to make. Ecstasy use and the manufacture of it are illegal, but there are a couple of good reasons to synthesize your own MDMA or MDA buy ecstasy. The use of ecstasy, specifically in high quantities, can lead to neurotoxicity and memory deficits. Most ecstasy users are polydrug users, so the drug is not typically abused. This guide discusses the physiological effects of the drug, how the demographics of the drug’s use have changed, and how to produce ecstasy. Despite being made illegal in the 1970s by most Western governments, ecstasy still remains an extremely popular drug today, and it is currently be used in laboratory settings with other psychoactive drugs in conjunction with cognitive therapy to treat individuals suffering from PTSD.  

SynonymsThe most common synonyms are:Adam, B-bombs, Beans, Clarity, Crystal, Decadence, Disco biscuit, E, Essence, Euphoria, Eve, Go, Hug drug, Iboga, Love drug, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, M&M, Molly, Morning shot, Party pills, Pollutants, Rolls, Scooby snacks, Speed for lovers, Sweeties, Wheels, X, XTC, mdma ecstasy pills for sale.
ClassificationCNS disruptor (stimulant and hallucinogenic effect):Agent that causes users to see, hear or feel things that do not exist, while stimulating mental functions and increasing the brain’s overall alertness.
Visual descriptionCapsulesTablets (come in various colours and are often stamped with designs: happy face, yin/yang symbol, Playboy bunny, dove, etc.)Powder/fine crystals
Mechanism of actionBlocks the reuptake and promotes the release of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. The emotional and pro social effects of MDMA are likely caused by the release of large amounts of serotonin. Serotonin then triggers the release of the hormones ocytocin and vasopressin, which play an important role in love, trust, sexual arousal and other social experiences. This may explain the feeling of empathy and the increased need for intimacy associated with this drug.
Routes of administrationIngested (the most common route), smoked, injected or snorted.

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